Are you having trouble sleeping? Do you constantly feel tired or like your brain’s in a fog? While these symptoms are probably annoying, you may not feel like they warrant a doctor’s visit. Maybe some nights you sleep just fine, so you figure there’s nothing really wrong. Or maybe it has been going on for so long that you think it’s just a part of getting older, when actually it could be a sign that you’re experiencing the early symptoms of menopause. Many women expect menopause to happen suddenly and then be over. But perimenopause can actually take place over a period of many years, even a decade or so. There are a multitude of symptoms associated with menopause and perimenopause, although many women only know about the stereotypical ones—the hot flashes and night sweats. Menopause can interfere with many aspects of a woman’s health, and learning to recognize the signs can help in taking preventive action before symptoms start taking over your life—and your health. Read more…
Aging is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to come with a loss of energy, joy, or well-being. For many women, the years following menopause can bring […]
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