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The Best New Way to Lose Weight (And Keep It Off)

Published January 8, 2016

Have you gone up one, two or more sizes in the past year? If you have tried to lose weight, you probably have experienced the “yo-yo” effect―losing weight only to […]

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Can the Paleo Diet Help You Lose Weight Effortlessly?

Published December 29, 2015

The Paleo diet may seem like old news, but its popularity continues to soar, even nearly two decades after the initial research that spawned the movement was published in the […]

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When Sleep Is More Than Just Beauty Rest

Published December 23, 2015

It is well-documented that humans, as well as most other species, need nightly rest. Sleep is one of those functions that is so vital other functions of the body suffer […]

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Detox, Paleo-Style

Published December 18, 2015

The Paleo diet―or, better yet, eating plan―is not a quick-fix “diet.” Rather, it is a style of eating, based on the premise that consuming foods that are more healthful than […]

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Fatter and Sicker: What to do about the Growing Obesity Epidemic

Published December 9, 2015

Have you ever leafed through a photo album from back in the ‘50s or ‘60s? Chances are, the people you see from that era, on average, will be more slender […]

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The Benefits of Testosterone Therapy for Men

Published December 2, 2015

It is a pretty well known fact that most men do not relish going to the doctor. However, with age comes the inevitable decline of hormones, particularly testosterone. Low testosterone, […]

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Testosterone for Women—the Most Powerful Yet Neglected Hormone

Published November 24, 2015

When you hear the word testosterone you may think of bodybuilders and men looking to enhance virility.  After all, there is no widely-marketed commercial testosterone product available for women—yet.  According […]

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Dietary Supplements Investigated: How Do You Spot Quality?

Published November 19, 2015

Many people are attracted to the world of dietary supplements because of the “all natural” premise. In hopes of living a healthier lifestyle and avoiding synthetic chemicals found in prescription […]

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Is Stress Making You Sick?

Published November 16, 2015

Has stress become a way of life for you? For many people, days are too short. There is always too much to do and too little time. Add to that […]

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Low T Treatment Reduces Heart Attack Risk

Published November 10, 2015

If you have been sitting on the sidelines, thinking about taking action to address signs of aging, such as loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction or fatigue, now is the […]

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*Results not typical. Always seek the advice of your physician or qualified healthcare provider before making any changes to your healthcare regimen. See our Full Disclaimer.
  • "Dear Dr. Center;   I want to express how fortunate I feel to have you as my physician.  I appreciate your intellect and your caregiving,  both of which are so strongly evident every time we meet.  I've also been receiving the various nutritional support supplements you have ordered for me, and every time I dissect the list of ingredients I have…Read More
  • "Since I became a patient of Dr. Center and finally found someone who could balance my hormones, I HAVE FELT BETTER THAN I DID WHEN I WAS 20!!! I swear this is true!! Because of his diagnostic genius, the level of bio identical hormones he has fine tuned to my individual needs have changed my life and restored me to…Read More


July 23, 2024

BHRT and Empowerment: Taking Control of Your Health

Navigating the complexities of hormone imbalances can be daunting, especially as you approach menopause or face other health challenges related to hormonal changes. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) offers a […]

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